mass effect 3 best squadmates for each mission

Mass Effect 1 - Best Squadmates for Each Mission (Unique Dialogue + Roleplaying)

Mass Effect characters ranked #masseffect #me3 #ps3 #xbox360 #masseffecttrilogy #retrogaming

Mass Effect 3 - Should You Recruit Chakwas or Michel as Normandy’s Doctor?

Mass Effect 3 Citadel DLC: Clone comments on Shepard's companions (all 8 companions)

When Mass Effect Destroys You Emotionally

Mass Effect 3 - 5 TIPS & TRICKS You May Have MISSED

Renegade Shepard Roasts The ENTIRE Asari Race

Mass Effect 3 - Reviewing All Characters Who Replace Dead Squadmates

10 Best Squad Mates In Mass Effect - Before You Play Mass Effect Legendary Edition

Mass Effect Legendary Edition | Liara reveals Tali's Dirty Secrets (RARE Dialogue)

Mass Effect 3 Citadel DLC: Elevator conversations compilation (all 35 variations, all companions)

Reviewing EVERY Way Your Squadmates Can DIE in the Mass Effect Trilogy (All Squadmate Deaths)

ME3 Citadel DLC: Uh EDI? You ok? (all squadmate reactions)

Mass Effect - What Happens If You REJECT EVERY SQUADMATE???

The only time Morinth talks with your Squad in Mass Effect 2 (RARE Dialogue)

Shepard Kisses Traynor - Squadmates' Reaction (Citadel DLC)

This is Samara's reaction to Renegade Shepard in Mass Effect 3 (RARE Dialogue)

Mass Effect Legendary Edition | Renegade Shepard FINALLY Makes Javik Happy (RARE Dialogue)

Mass Effect 3 - Everyone Shoots Brooks(Citadel DLC)

Mass Effect 3 Citadel DLC: All Casino Entrances (all 27 variations & all companions)

Garrus and Wrex Being the Legolas and Gimli of Mass Effect for 3 Minutes

Mass Effect Trilogy - Companions Ranked

Squadmate comments on keeping the collector base when the Suicide mission is completed.

Why Mass Effect 3 is My FAVORITE Mass Effect Game...